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Accessible performances

To book any of the access performances below, call the Box Office on 02 9250 7752 or email If available, your link to book online can be found below the selected event.

Access events

Explanation of services

Audio Described

Audio description is a live commentary for people who are blind or have low vision of the visual elements of a performance which is relayed to the patron via a free headset and receiver linked to the FM radio system.

A pre-show Tactile Tours may be available allowing hands on access to costumes, props and stage set in order to capture the atmosphere of the work. Tactile Tours usually occur before the Audio Described performance. 

Auslan Interpreted

Experienced Auslan theatre interpreters stand to the side of the stage and translate what the actors are saying or singing into Auslan. A block of seats is reserved for users of this service to ensure a good view of the interpreter and the stage. 


Captions are text descriptions that display a films dialogue, identify speakers, and describe other relevant sounds that are otherwise inaccessible to people who are deaf or hearing impaired. Open Captions (OC) are displayed on a screen and Closed Captions (CC) are available to watch via an app on your personal device (phone or i-pad)


Relaxed performances are open to everyone including people who are autistic, people with disabilities that create sensory sensitivities and anyone who would benefit from a more relaxed environment. There is an open-door policy allowing for movement in and out of the venue and staff will be able to direct patrons who require a quiet, low sensory space to a suitable location in the foyer area. A social story is provided in advance for reference about the journey to the venue and the elements of the show itself.