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Access Action Plan

Sydney Opera House belongs to everyone. As an organisation, our goal is to provide barrier-free access, making the site, building and the experiences they offer accessible to all people.

We are committed to the following accessibility guiding principles:

  • Access solutions promote the principles of social equity & inclusion, while reinforcing positive community attitudes about people with disability;
  • Access issues are addressed early in the planning stage of new initiatives;
  • Preference is given to access solutions that achieve integrated & independent access (e.g. people with disability use the same access routes as people without disability);
  • Initiatives comply with relevant disability access standards & legislation;
  • Access audits to determine access requirements for all areas & key initiatives;
  • Consultation with people with disability for all key initiatives;
  • The latest technologies should be considered to provide flexible, multisensory access solutions (both interpretive & physical); and
  • Access solutions must comply with the Sydney Opera House’s heritage requirements.

In 2019, the Sydney Opera House committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which provide a roadmap to address the world’s most pressing challenges by 2030, including inequality, education and climate change. This commitment is reflected in our fifth Accessibility Action Plan (2020-23), which sets out to:

  • Significantly enhance building accessibility across the Opera House’s venues and the wider precinct;
  • Develop new community engagement opportunities, including programs for seniors, people with dementia and newly arrived migrant and refugee communities; and
  • Enhance access and inclusion provisions in recruitment processes by offering new workplace support for employees with disability and creating opportunities for future employees with disability.
Dancers in dresses, dancing in front of a seated audience in a dance studio.