Our donors
Thank you to all our donors for your tremendous support, You are a fundamental part of the Opera House. When you make a tax-deductible gift, you help us to realise our ambition to become Everyone’s House – a place that welcomes and celebrates more of the community than ever before.
As a not-for profit entity that self-funds the vast majority of our operating revenue, we depend on the generosity of our supporters. Private funding expands our most inclusive and socially impactful programs, onsite and online, opening up this living work of art to all members of the community.
Our donors for the financial year 2023-24 are recognised below. Thank you for your support. We couldn’t do it without you.
Our donors for the financial year 2023-2024 are recognised here
Thank you to those who have left a gift in their Will to the Sydney Opera House Trust. This exceptionally generous gesture helps to secure the Opera House for future generations of artists, audiences and visitors.
Colin Adams
Richard Adams
Michael Foley
Janne Ryan
Donna L St Clair
Sara Watts
Anonymous (4)
The late Colin A Foster
The late R Furman
The late Joy Lindsay
Thank you to our Idealist major donors for your generosity. Particular thanks to our Founding Donors (*) who have supported the Opera House since the introduction of our philanthropy program in 2007, and our Founding Idealists (^), the first members of this giving program in 2013.
Visionary Idealists
Jibb Foundation
Ove Arup Foundation
The late Peter Weiss AO*^
Jullian Segal AO & John Roth through The Yarranabbe Foundation^
Utzon Idealists
The Alexandra & Lloyd Martin Family Foundation^
Bowness Family Foundation
Andrew Cameron AM & Cathy Cameron^
F & K De Angeli Foundation
Ingrid Kaiser
Dr Pasi Sahlberg
A/Prof Ross Steele AM^
Sydney Opera House Ladies' Committee*^
Catalyst Idealists
The late Robert Albert AO & Libby Albert*
Matthew Allen
Beverley & Phil Birnbaum*^
Boyarsky Family
Clark Butler & Louise Herron AM^
The Greatorex Fund
Dr Russell & Jane Kift
Robert L Hansen & Dr Annabelle Farnsworth AM
JACE Foundation
Helen Lynch AM & Helen Bauer^
Zareh Nalbandian
Dr Eileen Ong^
Ann Sherry AO & Michael Hogan^
Skrzynski Foundation*
Allan Vidor AM
Christine & Dr Thomas Wenkart
Anonymous (1)
Enabling Idealists
Patsy Crummer*
Michael & Manuela Darling^
Greg Dean
Kaye D Eichhorn
Leslie & Ginny Green
Anne & John Leece AM
Dr George Miller AO & Margaret Sixel*
Janne Ryan^
Penelope Seidler AM
Ben & Lisa Smith
Annette Adair
SJ Bell*
Charlene & Graham Bradley AM^
Phillip Cornwell & Cecilia Rice^
Ian Darling AO^
Nicholas Fletcher & Sarah Miller
Kathleen & Danny Gilbert AM^
Christina Green
Kathyn Greiner AO
Sue Griffin^
Tony Grybowski^
Peter Joseph AM^
The Keir Foundation
Knights Family Jabula Foundation
Susan & Stuart Lloyd-Hurwitz
Peter Lowry OAM & Dr Carolyn Lowry OAM
Sheli Lubowski^
Daniel Mackenzie^
Julianne Maxwell^
Wendy McCarthy AO^
Emerit. Prof. Michael McDaniel AO & Branko Radojkovic
Nicole McKenna & Chris Freeland AM^
Keith Miller
Clayton Noble & Andrew Purchas
James Orlando
Lisa Paulsen
Stephen Pollitt*
David & Amanda Redhill^
Melanie Silva
Sara Watts^
Henry Wilson
Fiona Winning
Thank you to our Circle of Friends donors for your generous support, including our Inner Circle who make annual gifts of $1,000 or more, and our Friends, who make gifts between $100 - $999.
Inner Circle
Jane Albert & Andrew Fisher
Emily Chang*
Edward & Diane Federman
Matthew and Leone Lorrimer
Linda Sharp
Sydney Opera House Staff
Leonie & Peter Szabo*
Elizabeth Trainor in memory of Mark Trainor
Debroah Whitford
Ray Wilson OAM in memory of James Agapitos OAM
Julianne Adamo
Elsa Atkin AM
Rob Baillie
Wayne Cahill
Anne Carmine
Michelle Feehan
The Hon Ben C Franklin MLC
Christine Fu
Dr Jean McPherson
Sylvia Rosenblum
Kevin Ryan
Susan Spencer
Jerome & Ludmila Stern
Carolyn Stewart-Smith*
Vera Vargassoff
Janice White
Anonymous (3)
Margaret Barrett
Dawn Brown
Rebecca Collins
Andre Fucs de Miranda & Caroline Arnold
Eric & Tonia Gale
Kjeld Hansen
Mandy & Ken Harris
Matthew Harrison
Chris Kitching
Vicky Koumoukelis
Merilyn Marel
Tina Melick
Marguerite O'Rourke
Anastasia Panis
Matthew Pigram
Rashmi Shah
Aiyngkaran Sivanathan
Michael Turner
Reto Vogel
Ronald Walledge
Kathryn Williams
Mark Wilson
Annette Wong
Anonymous (7)
Bruce Atkinson
Paul Bard
William Barnard
Lisa Braggins
Francis Breen & Christine Hunter
Jeffrey Bridger
Diana Chang
Olivier Chretien
Wendy Cobcroft
Rita Coenen
Cynthia Coghill
Stan Conner*
Nicholas & Athamandia Cowell
Linda Curnow
Anita Cvitkovic
Kerime Danis
Raymond De Piolenc
Ronald & Suellen Enestrom
Martin Giddings
Cheryl Godkin
Milica Grahovac
Pauline Griffin AM
Oliver Harris
Anita Heath
Michael Homsey
Katie Hryce
Abirami Hughes
Barbara Hyslop
Elizabeth Jackson & Dr John Griffiths
Rebekah Jenkin
Julie Khalid
Ross King
Colin Kratzing
Micheline Lane
Tony Lu
Owen McCarthy
Susan McConaghy
Alison McIntyre
Stephen McNamara
Lyn Meagher
Joan Millard
Diane Morris
Margaret O'Connell
Ritu Ooi
Susan Pardel
Mr Evan Petrelis
Keri Pratt
Elke Press
Elizabeth Pryve*
Trudie Rogers
Diane Schaffer
Kirsty Simmonds
Gillian Sloan
Tim Stastny
Lynelle Toh
Tuyet Tran
Tatyana Tychshenko
Jannie Van Deventer
Anne Wallace
Jerry Whitcomb
Dr Peter White
Rosemary White
Rong Wu
Dr Tammy Wu & Anthony Wong*
Jennifer Zeller
Anonymous (14)
Michael Allen
Anthony Bannister-Tyrrell
Kerry Baxter
Janice Benton
Greta Bertuzzo
Ian Birdsall
Zsofia Boltos-varga
Honor Brandt
Caroline Brommann
Rosemary Brooks
Alison Buck
Krystal Nolan
Jennifer Burton
Andrew Byrne
Ngaire Callaghan
Monica Del Castillo
Julie Chapman
Guang Dun Cheng
Liz Clarke
Stephen Claxton
Myung Cole
Johanna Dalton
Margaret Daly
Marie Anne Daniels
Jeannine Delemare
Sonya Ditzell
Arkin Djemal
Tracey Donaldson
Mark & Amanda Donovan
Nisha-Anne D'Souza
Elizabeth Eaton
Karen Elzerman
Roslyn Espie
Christian Faria
Pamela Feinbier
Kay Finch
Paul Firkin
Steve Fitzsimons
Susan Forbes
Sushant Gahlot
Fiona Gale
Richard Gallagher
Kizzy Gandy
Elena Gava
Zoki Gavrylyuk
Denee Gillin
Jessica Gooch
Virginia Goodman
Alan Gyertson
Bruce Hall
Gillian Halliday
John Hamilton
Xiao Ming Han
Isabelle Harris
Glenys Hess
Per Holt
Susan Ingram
Karen Irvine
Catherine Jackson
Cherie Jessop
Marjorie Jones
Marijke Jonkman
Mark Kennedy
Alison Kent
Kaliopi Korras*
Peter Krinks
Jihyun Kwak
Terence Lan
Susan Levy
Mark Lofthouse
Wendy Ma
Judy Macourt
Alan Miller
Glenn Miller
Alborz Mohammadpour
Robyn Morris
Andrew Myors
Kerrie Newman
Susan J Nocom
Betty O'Neill
Helen Pattison
Hiranthi Perera
D E Pidd
Clint Piper
Judy Ranka
Madhu Rao
Peter Robinson
Katrina Rolley
Diane Sandrejko
Chris Schmutz
Carolyn Shaw
Nicola Smalley
Daneep Sohal
Todd Stanley
Liz Stephenson
Arnold Stolberg
Richard Tame
Lynda Tesvic
Geoff Thomas
Robin Torrence
Michelle Tromp
Helen Tuite
Dishana Uragoda
Felicity van Breda
Catherine Versegi
Adriana Vidal
Sara Walker
Kenneth Waller
Jane Wang
Jiayu Wang
Jennifer Wearne
Syd Webb
Pamela Wellham
Mary Whitby
Peter Wolfe
Spring Wong
Dawin Wongsodihardjo
Val Wood
Michael Woods
Carolyn Wright
Cecilia Yan
Anonymous (21)
We wish to also thank our community of supporters who make gifts of up to $100. Every gift makes a difference. Thank you.
Become a part of the Opera House community
Make an Impact
As a not-for-profit, we rely on your support to help us expand our most inclusive and socially impactful programs, champion First Nations culture, present diverse artists, bold new works and community-led events, opening up the Opera House to more of the community than ever before.

Idealist Donor Program
Join our major giving program and get closer to the Opera House.

Leave a Gift in Your Will
Leave a legacy that will last forever. Learn more about leaving a bequest to the Sydney Opera House.